things of thrill

seeing someone’s penmanship for the first time.
$5 worth of more french fries than I can eat.
monikers developed in a month or less.
people who confidently call you by a moniker.
salad dressing consisting of olive oil, salt and pepper.
the smell of winter thawing.
9 hours of sleep.
rainbow stained glass overhead lamps like my multi-colored childhood ceiling fan.
editing comp tracks.
music video ideas the first time they appear in my imagination.
bill evans.
going to sleep exhausted and sober.
the gamble of finally opening a package of something purchased on eBay.
memories by the sea.
exceptionally non-diatonic overtones.
when my century-old neighbor hands me a piece of Werther’s in the hallway.
babies who smile at strangers over their parent’s shoulder.
the brevity of dusk.
old videos of Stevie Ray Vaughn.
street art in Rome.
a drowsy cat.
fresh wasabi.